
Modern attraction rides Ferris wheel development History

The first Modern attraction rides Kids Ferris Wheel by the American George Fali Shi (George Washington Ferris) in 1893 for the World's Columbian Exposition design, the purpose is under a higher Paris Exposition in 1889 built the Eiffel Tower. The first Modern attraction rides Ferris wheel weight 2,200 tons, can take 2160 people, equivalent to the height of 26 floors. Precisely because Fa Lishi achievements, future people begin with "Fa Lishi wheel" (Modern attraction rides Ferris wheel) to refer to this facility, that is, we are familiar with the Modern attraction rides Ferris wheel.

Vienna Modern attraction rides Mini Ferris Wheel is survived since the 19th century, the Modern attraction rides Ferris wheel, is still in operation. It erected in 1897 in Vienna, Austria Leopold city (second district) Pratt Playground, Emperor Franz Joseph I's Golden Jubilee celebrations and the construction of a total 64.75 meters high [1]. In 1920, after the removal of the Modern attraction rides Ferris wheel Paris, Vienna Modern attraction rides Ferris wheel has become the world's tallest Modern attraction rides Ferris wheel. In 1944 during World War II destroyed, rebuilding following year [2] and still maintain the status of the world's tallest Modern attraction rides Ferris wheel, until 1985 in Tsukuba Japan exceeds (85 meters high).

Once among the world's most giant Modern attraction rides Ferris wheel throne for some time, is located in the River Thames London Eye (BA London Eye), is a total of up to 135 m distance to the Modern attraction rides Ferris wheel, also this type of observation wheel The design pioneer. However, its position as the world located in the People's Republic of China has completed the Star of Nanchang and Nanchang in March 2006 after the opening was broken Star of Nanchang is a total height of 160 meters of gravity Modern attraction rides Ferris wheel.

